Sustainable Infrastructure

Afghanistan is a nation that needs the sustainable infrastructures and constructions to be built and rehabilitated there. Children are still learning their education under trees, unsafe environments and even under the tents in across all seasons of the year. Publics suffer road barriers and hardships in rural area while they commute from one place to other places. Child and women have been lost their life due to the lack of hospital and health clinics especially in villages and remote areas of Afghanistan. Recent crisis had forced more than 700,000 Afghans to leave their homes UNHCR said. They internally displaced people need shelter and home. We work for the development and sustainable infrastructure of Afghanistan through our programs

Our Programs:

  • Construction and Rehabilitation of Schools
  • Building Road Construction
  • Building Shelters
  • Rural Development Projects
  • Rehabilitation and Construction of schools and health care centers
  • Solar panel installations on public/social infrastructure
  • Water-efficiency and conservation installations at public water sources;