TEDHO Governance
General Assembly, Advisory Board, and Executive board are three
main bases that govern TEDHO organization. General Assembly has the top authority
to make decisions regarding ratification and accreditation of
organizational policies and strategies. Advisory board also
help organization in various issues and has the authority to
change the policies and strategies. General Director is the one who is directing the Executive
Board and implement ratified and approved policies and strategies.
The leadership Board of the organization
Leadership Boards are:
- General Assembly
- Administrative Board
- Executive Board
- Consulting Member
The General Assembly of Organization
The General Assembly of Organization has the decision-making authority in
the Organization, which consists of the members of the Administrative Board,
the board of directors (key members) of the organization, and the representative
of the sector administration and the representative of the Ministry
of Economy are the supervisors in the meetings of the general assembly.
Duty and responsibility of General Assembly
- Listening to the report of The Boards of
Directorsand the executive board of
the organization during the period of project activities and the
organization’s income and expenses
- Listening to the report of the organization’s
review and supervision board.
(The team is determined by the General Assembly)
- Approving the annual budget and work plan of the organization
- Selection and refusal of proposed members of the board of directors
- Making a decision on the adjustments and amendments of the organization’s statutes
- Considering and reviewing the policy and approving the organization’s policy for short and long term
- Approving all the laws and regulations of the organization
- Approving character change, closing, merger, and name changing
and establishment of field offices of the organization
- Decision on other items of the agenda that are raised in the general assembly.
- Each participating member in the general meeting of the organization has an independent right
to vote, which s/he uses in making decisions.
- The chairman of the general assembly meeting is elected by the members
participating in the assembly and has the right
to consultative vote in decisions.
The Boards of Directors
The Boards of Directors consists of (5) members and is elected by
the general assembly of the organization. The Boards of Directors
meetings can be held once every (4) months and special meetings
can be held upon the request of the majority of the Administrative Board.
The head of the organization is a member of the Administrative Board,
but he cannot be the head of the Administrative Board.
The term of service of the members of the Board of Directors is (2) years.
Authorities and duties of the board of directors:
- Listening to the report of the Executive Board on the
activities and statement of income and expenses in the meetings of the board of directors.e
- Approving the bill of duties of the organization’s departments.
- Approval of protocol contracts and contracts with non-governmental
institutions and donors, government departments and civil institutions.
- Approval of the work plan of the Executive Board and related departments of the organization.
- Approving the work plan considering the characteristics of each project.
- Controlling the income and expenses of the organization.
- Approving the establishment of field offices of the organization considering the relevant plan.
- Proposing the election of the Board of directors to the General Assembly.
- Giving permanent advice to the Chairman and other members
of the Executive Board to implement the resolutions of the
General Assembly and improve the organization’s operations.
- Investigating the financial affairs (revenues and expenses) of the organization for six months and annually.
- Addressing the requests and complaints of the employees of the organization.
- Searching for ways to receive funds and sources of funding for surveyed projects.
- Providing communication with coordination departments and civil
society organizations and government departments.
- Presenting suggestions about adjustments and corrections in the constitution to the General Assembly.
- Approving the supervision bill proposed by the Executive Board.
The Executive Board
The Executive Board of the organization consists of the Chairman
of the organization, the deputy chairman, the administrative and
financial officers and the heads of the departments, the deputy
head and the financial and administrative officer of the organization
cannot be members of the same family. The chairman, deputy and general
financial officer of the organization, who is part of the Executive Board,
is elected by the administrative for a period of (2) years. The rest of
the members of the organization are recruited through open competition.
Meetings of the Executive Board are held once a month, the chairman of the
organization and other department officials present their executive reports.
Duties of Executive Board
- Submitting the reports to the Boards of Directors on the activity and statement of
revenues and expenses in the meetings of the Administrative Board.
- Arrangement of the bill of duties of the organization departments.
- Preparation of the work plan of all members of the Executive Board and
related departments of the organization.
- Arrangement of proposal for the election of The Boards of Directors to the General Assembly.
- Organizing meetings of The Boards of Directors and the General Assembly.
- Implementation of all approvals and decisions of the general meeting and Administrative Board.
- Preparing the work plan and implementing it according to the set time.
- Plan and arrange the bill of duties of the departments.
- Listening to people's appeals and complaints about their needs.
Duties and Authorities of the Chairman of the Organization
- Leadership of human resources, administrative, financial and project affairs of the organization.
- Creating discipline among the employees of the organization.
- Managing the tasks and providing the user plan for the officials and members of the organization.
- Representatives of the organization in national and international seminars, workshops,
which are held (with the permission of the competent authorities).
- Preparing a regular report on the activities and progress of the
organization and presenting it to the Administrative Board.
- Leading and controlling the implementation of financial, procurement,
administrative and human resources systems.
- Providing work facilities between departments and collecting their work reports.
Authorities of Chairman of Organization
- Participation in meetings, national and international
seminars and governmental and non-governmental coordination meetings.
- The purpose of hiring and firing personnel of the organization according to the statutes.
- Checking the arrangement of six-monthly, monthly and yearly reports.
- Checking the quality and quantity of officials according to the agreed plan.
- Solving the problems of the organization, reaching out to the requests and complaints of the organization.
- Issuing gifts to improve and adapt the affairs and activities of the organization.
- Signing contracts and protocols with donors and other sources that assist the organization.
- The deputy of the organization of Permanent Cooperation is the chairman, and in the absence of the chairman,
all the powers of the chairman are exercised by the deputy.
- The Chairman of the organization has the authority to delegate his work
powers to the deputy of the organization in writing if necessary.