Tedho Code of Conduct

The TEDHO Code of Conduct is a set of rules, principles, regulations, and ethics that helps the organization achieve its goals by fostering accountability and dedication among its employees and leadership.

  • Responsibility and Service
  • Cooperation beyond Boundaries
  • Independence
  • Human Rights and Dignity
  • Neutral
  • Prevention of Bribery
  • Conflict of Interest

TEDHO Organizational Policies

TEDHO’s Code of Conduct Policies consist in:

  1. TEDHO’s Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy
  2. Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Policy
  3. Safety and health Policy
  4. Procurement and Financial Policy

Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy

TEDHO is committed not to let its staff to use their posts and authority for personal use. It promises to avoid of any kind of conflict of interest and will not allow its staff to defend a person or organization by misusing their official position and the conflict of their interests of TEDHO organization.

Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Policy

TEDHO is highly committed to legal, ethical, and moral standards. All staff members of TEDHO are responsible for being committed to all the values, decrees, rules, and regulations.

Three core principles guide TEDHO to related to anti-fraud and corruption:

  • Anti-Fraud and Corruption: TEDHO is committed to preventing fraud by educating and raising awareness of its employees, departments, officers, third parties, and every individual or entity dealing with TEDHO.
  • Corruption and Its Types: TEDHO respects and complies with “the law about definitions of Bribery and Corruption and its types of which has been TEDHO in the light of Article 50th and provision 3rd of Article 75th of Afghanistan Constitution of Bribery and Corruption Policy
  • [Empty]

Child Protection Policy

The purpose of the guidelines outlined in the Child Protection Policy is to safeguard all children and to serve as an organizational tool for creating and enabling a friendly community for all children. This policy applies to all staff and team members, as well as those who work with or around children.


Physical abuse includes punching, kicking, burning, hitting, shaking and all other acts leading to insult, disdain, physical and mental injury, and even death, have no place in our society and should never be used on children. Precautions are taken to guarantee that they can attend school in an atmosphere free of intimidation and where they can learn without threat.

Sexual abuse contains rape, incest, sodomy, intercourse and sexual exploitation.

Emotional abuses consist of any form of verbal, mental, or psychological mistreatment.

Statement about children

TEDHO's policy on education and fundraising guarantees that children are taught and trained with respect and dignity, and forbids the use of inaccurate depictions of children, of education that shames or disdains them, of taking photographs or making public statements about them without their informed consent.


TEDHO is committed to hiring only people who share its values, and that means making sure that all potential employees understand and agree with its Child Policy Protection policy.

Complaint Response

When a child's rights have been violated and a complaint has been filed by the victim, the child's guardian, or a member of staff, it is the duty of the Chief Administrative Officer to take the following actions:

  • Investigation and filing the documents
  • Providing evidence for, and investigating, the claim
  • Proven guilt would result in suspension from annual promotion, transfer to a lower position, dismissal from employment, and a report to the police.

Sexual Exploitation Policy

TEDHO is a non-governmental organization that focuses on education and health in order to advance education and WASH programs locally and nationally. Our promise is to bring happiness to all children, youth, and adults of both sexes, male and female. We are vehemently opposed to all forms of sexual violence and sexual exploitation, regardless of age, religion, gender, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. We will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment or exploitation by our staff, volunteers, or any other representatives working on behalf of our programs and organization. We are deeply committed to preventing all forms of sexual abuse and violence.

All TEDHO staff, volunteers, and people who represent the organization are responsible for:

  • There will be no sexual contact with children under the age of 18.
  • There will be no transactional contact with TEDHO beneficiaries, followers, or staff partners.

All employees are responsible for adhering to this policy and reporting individuals or incidents that contradict it.

Everyone has the right to file a complaint about misbehavior by those associated with the TEDHO organization and programs, and it is the responsibility of the Administration Board to investigate the reported case.

Employees who violate the policy's explicit expectations of their sexual behavior will face disciplinary action, which may result in termination. Volunteers' access to TEDHO will be disconnected. Consultants who fail to meet our standards will have their contracts terminated.

Six Core Principles were established in response to sexual exploitation and abuse

  1. Sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian workers are considered gross misconduct and are grounds for termination.
  2. Sexual activity with children (those under the age of 18) is prohibited, regardless of the local age of majority or consent. A mistaken belief about a child's age is not a defense.
  3. The exchange of money, employment, goods, or services for sex, including sexual favors, is prohibited, as is any other form of humiliating, degrading, or exploitative behavior. This includes the exchange of assistance from the client [beneficiary].
  4. Sexual relationships between humanitarian workers and beneficiaries are strongly discouraged because they are fundamentally unequal power dynamics. Such relationships jeopardize the credibility and integrity of humanitarian assistance work.
  5. . If a humanitarian worker has concerns or suspicions about sexual abuse or exploitation by a coworker, whether in the same agency or not, he or she must report such concerns through established agency reporting mechanisms.
  6. Humanitarian workers are required to create and maintain an environment that discourages sexual exploitation and abuse and promotes the implementation of their respective codes of conduct. Managers at all levels bear a special responsibility for supporting and developing systems that keep this environment in place.